Audio transcription for public administration

Automatically transcribe meeting and committee minutes with GoSpeech!

How language becomes text

in 3 simple steps

Upload recordings

Transfer your audio and video recordings to GoSpeech simply by drag & drop. Upload your audio and video files quickly and easily.

Automatic speech recognition

GoSpeech creates your transcript reliably and securely in just a few moments.

Edit online

Text and audio are synchronized in our convenient online editor. This allows you to edit quickly.
Efficiency and speed

In the hectic political world, where information is needed in a hurry, automatic transcription proves invaluable. It provides instant text documents, especially for lengthy meetings or speeches. Political decision-makers can react quickly and use important information, which speeds up processes and minimizes manual work.

Simple & Intuitive

Thanks to GoSpeech, comprehensive meeting minutes are created quickly and efficiently, no matter where the recordings were made. Whether meetings, discussion rounds or online meetings, you save valuable time when creating minutes.

The software also makes it easy to search, assign keywords and archive your audio and video recordings.

100% GDPR-compliant

Your data is in the best hands with us! As a leading company in the field of speech recognition for public authorities and the medical sector, data security is our top priority. GoSpeech operates its services exclusively on German servers with ISO 27001 certification, which meets the highest data protection standards.

GoSpeech Management Center

Organization management
The GoSpeech Management Center provides you with a comprehensive overview of all your organizations. You can easily and conveniently add and edit additional (sub) organizations.
User administration
You can assign or edit users to organizations, assign rights and even move users between different organizations. A convenient search function is also integrated to help you find users quickly.
Consumption is allocated to each organization accordingly. Our monthly report contains a usage overview for your own and the (sub) organizations you support.
Convenient organization management

With our GoSpeech Management Center, you can easily and conveniently create organizations, assign users and create reports on the usage of individual organizations or teams. Our monthly report contains the usage of all your created (sub-) organizations. Our Speech-to-Text API can also be integrated and is listed accordingly in the usage overview. Arrange a no-obligation consultation today to find out more.

Main functions

Speech recognition
Thanks to our post-processing, GoSpeech delivers outstanding speech recognition results
Speech recognition
Speech recognition
Thanks to our post-processing, GoSpeech delivers outstanding speech recognition results
Data security
GoSpeech runs GDPR-compliant in a triple-replicated IT infrastructure exclusively on German servers
Data security
Data security
GoSpeech runs GDPR-compliant in a triple-replicated IT infrastructure exclusively on German servers
Speech-to-text API
With our API, you can integrate state-of-the-art ASR technology into your software & existing systems
Speech-to-text API
Speech-to-text API
With our API, you can integrate state-of-the-art ASR technology into your software & existing systems
Team function & Management center
You can easily share documents, edit them with other people and manage and analyze organizations and teams.
Team function & Management center
Team function & Management center
You can easily share documents, edit them with other people and manage and analyze organizations and teams.
Text Editor
Work in parallel with the original transcription in the editor. Our text editor contains all the useful functions you need
Text Editor
Text Editor
Work in parallel with the original transcription in the editor. Our text editor contains all the useful functions you need
Customized dictionary
Technical terms are also no problem for GoSpeech. Add them to the dictionary before transcription to improve the result
Customized dictionary
Customized dictionary
Technical terms are also no problem for GoSpeech. Add them to the dictionary before transcription to improve the result
Multiple speakers
GoSpeech automatically recognizes the different speakers. Transcriptions of interviews, meetings or sessions are therefore no problem
Multiple speakers
Multiple speakers
GoSpeech automatically recognizes the different speakers. Transcriptions of interviews, meetings or sessions are therefore no problem
GoSpeech supports all relevant formats for import: aac; dss; ds2; flac; mp3; mp4; m4a; m4v; ogg; wav
GoSpeech supports all relevant formats for import: aac; dss; ds2; flac; mp3; mp4; m4a; m4v; ogg; wav

Your benefits for faster meeting transcripts with GoSpeech

Are you interested in an in-house solution?
Of course, GoSpeech can also be installed on your own servers (on-premises) in a privacy-protected manner. Contact us and get customized solutions for your company.