Top 5 transcription software functions

November 2023 | Christina Jacob
last updated on 07. November 2023

With the help of transcription software, voice recordings that you have made with your smartphone or dictation machine, for example, can be easily converted into text. This has many advantages. We present the top 5 functions of transcription software here.

1. Less work - more time

Whether SEO optimization, interviews, surveys in market research or meeting minutes - many industries work with audio recordings that must first be transcribed for further processing so that the content is available in text form. With AI-based speech recognition, this can be done in a matter of minutes, without hours of typing. The time-consuming manual transcription - which takes around three to ten times the length of your audio or video recording - can be avoided in future.

2. Subtitle function

A great feature, especially for bloggers and social media users: the automatic creation of subtitles after uploading a video. Any changes to the transcript are also automatically transferred to the subtitle text using transcription software. GoSpeech enables the export of video subtitles as VTT files.

3. Automatically generates keywords

The transcription software independently generates the keywords for each audio and video recording. The user can have the keywords highlighted in the text and can also define and add keywords themselves. This makes audio searchable quickly and easily!

4. Recognizes dialects and different speakers

While some people struggle with a certain dialect and have to listen to the voice recording several times to understand the exact wording correctly, a good speech recognition system such as GoSpeech can cope effortlessly with different dialects. It can also recognize the different speakers and mark them in the transcript - a great advantage in interview situations or when recording for meeting minutes with several different speakers.

5. The correct spelling

GoSpeech also pays attention to the finer details. The transcription software can convert numbers, times and currencies from spoken language into text, spelled correctly. Post-processing ensures that the transcript does not contain "fourteenth second two thousand twenty-three" or "eight and thirty point two percent", but rather "14.02.2023" and "38.2%". This saves a lot of rework.

Curious? Try GoSpeech and get to know the advantages of automatic audio and video transcription. Fully GDPR-compliant, by the way!


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